Ponencias & Comunicaciones
Scenic Space as Transmedia Hyperconected Space
Provocation IFTR-FIRT (International Federation Theatre Research).
Praga, 25 de junio de 2015 / Shared Space PQ2015.
Transmedia Experimenting Objetcs (T.E.O.)
A proposal for documentation and exhibition of contemporary staging.
Congreso: Presenting the Theatrical Past. Interplays of Artefacts, Discourses and Practices”
Estocolmo,10 de junio de 2016. IFTR- Scenography Working Group
Performing Transmedia (PE.TRA)
Bristol, 1 de septiembre de 2016. TaPRA- New Media & Technology Working Group
Time for Transmedia in Theatre
Manchester, 31 de agosto de 2017. TaPRA-New Media & Technology Working Group

Performing Transmedia: How to make the stage explode in XXIst Century
Exploratory Workshop for PQ 2019
INICIO: 14 de junio de 2019
FIN: 22 de marzo de 2020

Transmedia Scenography
Workshop for Handsthinking Festival 2017
27 de marzo de 2017
The design of the scenic space in which a dramatic work is going to be developed is traditionally linked to the text that it intends to set up, as well as the type of storytelling, generally linear, that composes it.
Transmedia Storytelling (of a non-linear nature) allows us to work from other points of view in which the audience turns into an actor that “collects” information, experiences and interactions (from CONSUMER to PROSUMER) that provides content. This type of approach allows us to create a universe around the story and establish different degrees of depth and generate immersive experiences.
In this workshop we will apply the concepts of this type of storytelling to the scenic space working on the “transmedialization” of it. We will design a “scenic interface” and identify the “nodes”. We will evaluate which media, channels and media (both physical and digital) are the ones that best suit the content. We will identify the activators and inflection points. We will build and communicate those fragments that are most relevant and finally, we will dive into it and leave it to its explosive growth.

Theatre Architecture and Scenic Space
Instituto Formación. Colegio Oficial Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM)
Abril, 2018
Este curso realiza un recorrido por la historia de la arquitectura teatral, la escenografía y el espacio escénico a través de una visión global sobre su evolución, los distintos agentes que intervienen en la puesta en escena y la relación con el público
Con este curso se pretende, además de la formación cultural, proporcionar al alumno referencias suficientes que le permitan profundizar en los campos que más le puedan interesar derivados del tratamiento del espacio como “lugar dramático”.
Este curso está dirigido a arquitectos, diseñadores, técnicos, estudiantes y a cualquier persona interesada en las artes escénicas , la arquitectura teatral, la puesta en escena.

Universidad Europea Madrid
School of Ingeniering, Architecture and Design.
Since 2007, we are lectures at the School of Ingeniering, Architecture and Desing School of Universidad Europea de Madrid. We have been envolved in the academic life taking part in different areas of the school such as International Department and we have developed coordination and mentoring tasks.
Ecole Spéciale d´Architecture
We have been visiting professors at Ecole Spéciale d´Architecture (Paris, 2012)