(Theatre and Architecture in XXIst Century)
Escuela de Teatro (Theatre School)
Architecture Final Project Degree (2007)
The design of the scenic space in which a dramatic work is going to be developed is traditionally linked to the text that it intends to set up, as well as the type of storytelling, generally linear, that composes it.
Transmedia Storytelling (of a non-linear nature) allows us to work from other points of view in which the audience turns into an actor that «collects» information, experiences and interactions (from CONSUMER to PROSUMER) that provides content. This type of approach allows us to create a universe around the story and establish different degrees of depth and generate immersive experiences.
The design of the scenic space in which a dramatic work is going to be developed is traditionally linked to the text that it intends to set up, as well as the type of storytelling, generally linear, that composes it.
The Spider and the Blooming Waterlily
Proposal for TAC-Berlin
Spring 2016
The design of the scenic space in which a dramatic work is going to be developed is traditionally linked to the text that it intends to set up, as well as the type of storytelling, generally linear, that composes it.
Transmedia Storytelling (of a non-linear nature) allows us to work from other points of view in which the audience turns into an actor that «collects» information, experiences and interactions (from CONSUMER to PROSUMER) that provides content. This type of approach allows us to create a universe around the story and establish different degrees of depth and generate immersive experiences.
In this workshop we will apply the concepts of this type of storytelling to the scenic space working on the «transmedialization» of it. We will design a «scenic interface» and identify the «nodes». We will evaluate which media, channels and media (both physical and digital) are the ones that best suit the content. We will identify the activators and inflection points. We will build and communicate those fragments that are most relevant and finally, we will dive into it and leave it to its explosive growth.